Celebrating Europe Day

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09 May 2024

FEDORA's Activities

"The European Commission is happy to support the FEDORA Platform under the Creative Europe programme. FEDORA can harvest on an extensive experience in building a quality label for our many European opera and dance talents and allowing a wide European audience to discover them and access their art. FEDORA's excellent relations with sponsors are beneficial for the sector and can serve as an example for other industries to develop new business models to help them grow. The platform scheme, which was created under Creative Europe, aims at showcasing and rewarding emerging European talents and interdisciplinary innovation. FEDORA sends an important and very positive message across Europe that we support."

Judith Videcoq
Head of Unit, Creative Europe, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission

Join us in commemorating Europe Day, an occasion to celebrate peace and unity in Europe while promoting integration and cooperation among its member states.

As we reflect on the achievements of the European Union, we also acknowledge the invaluable support we have received from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission over the past years.

In 2024, Creative Europe celebrates its 10-year anniversary, a decade of supporting thousands of projects and promoting cultural exchanges across Europe. By making inclusivity and sustainability central to every project, they continue to spark big changes and support the cultural and creative industries in becoming more innovative.  

Supporting emerging artistic talent is vital for our society's future as it cultivates cultural diversity, fosters economic growth through the creative industries, and promotes social cohesion by providing platforms for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard and understood. By investing in emerging artists, we not only nurture creativity and innovation but also enrich our communities with new ideas, expressions, and experiences that contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive society. In doing so, we lay the foundation for a culturally rich, economically prosperous, and socially cohesive future.  

Since 2017, the FEDORA Platform has been a beneficiary of the Creative Europe programme, benefiting from a continuous support of more than 4 million euros. Thanks to this funding, FEDORA is able to structure and scale up its ecosystem’s impact on the opera and dance sector in Europe. 

FEDORA's interactive platform acts as a European hub: a European quality label, promoting innovative opera and ballet co-productions created by emerging artists from various disciplines. This showcase of European creation has encouraged the engagement of audiences by allowing them to participate in the funding and promotion of projects through participatory funding campaigns and online voting. 

Moreover, 30 selected opera house members of the FEDORA network also benefit from Creative Europe’s funding through the FEDORA Platform that supports local initiatives for the promotion of emerging artists. You can discover last year’s Roadshows here.

Alongside FEDORA, Creative Europe is supporting 15 other European cultural platforms as part of the "European platforms for the promotion of emerging artists". These platforms are essential instruments for developing the careers of emerging talents and improving their working conditions. The platforms provide tailor-made responses to the needs and challenges of emerging talent, offering them targeted professional opportunities in terms of mobility, training, incubation and development, as well as remuneration.

Discover more about the Creative Europe Platform programme and the 16 cultural organisations it supports here


Aerowaves is a hub for dance discovery in Europe. It identifies the most promising new work of emerging dance artists and promotes it through cross-border performances. Aerowaves’ network of partners in 33 countries enables younger choreographers to bring new dance to new audiences.  


Across Europe, Circusnext Platform members identify, select and support contemporary circus emerging authors with the most unique writings and present their works to their audiences.    

Distributed Design

The Distributed Design Platform acts as an exchange and networking hub for the emerging field of Distributed Design. It nurtures and promotes the connection between designers, makers, and emerging digital and local markets.  

European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists

The European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists - EFFEA is an initiative of the European Festivals Association that offers emerging artists a platform to develop their career on an international level through festivals.  

European Media Art Platform 

The European Media Art Platform (EMAP), initiated by Werkleitz and co-funded by Creative Europe since 2018, is a consortium of 15 leading European media art organisations specialised in Digital and Media Art, Bio Art and Robotic Art.  

ESNS Exchange

ESNS Exchange brings European export offices, festivals, media partners, and other stakeholders together. The platform is coordinated by ESNS, the largest European music showcase festival, and conference dedicated to European pop music. All platform members collaborate to bring European programming of emerging artists to music audiences in Europe and beyond.  


The FEDORA Platform is committed to supporting and contributing to the future of opera and dance in Europe. FEDORA encourages emerging artists to renew these genres, thus making opera and dance more accessible, while fostering the emergence of new business models.  


FUTURES is the European Platform for Contemporary Photography that provides long-term support to emerging artists by creating unprecedented opportunities for success through exhibitions, publications, education, promotion and access to international networks.  


LINA, the European architecture platform, is a network connecting prominent cultural players with emerging practitioners and thinkers in architecture. Its goal is to steer the architectural sector towards sustainable, circular and clean practices, to link the existing efforts into a united LINA Architecture Programme, and highlight new and emerging voices, giving them an international platform.  


Liveurope is a pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote European music diversity.  

Magic Carpets

By enhancing cultural accessibility, cultural activism and participation “Magic Carpets” accelerates creative collaborations between international and local emerging artists, emerging curators, local communities and different European cultural organizations to highlight local specificities using storytelling practices.  


Music Cultural Heritage Talent (MERITA) is an online and offline platform that increases the visibility and circulation of professional young European string quartets while promoting the European cultural heritage.  


SHAPE+ is a new European platform for innovative music and audiovisual art co-financed by the Creative Europe programme. SHAPE+ fosters exceptional emerging talent, connecting them to local communities and audiences through collaborative residencies with multiple artistic outcomes, commissioned artworks, as well as one-off presentations and performances.  

Theatre in Palm

12 partners from all around Europe collaborate in providing various opportunities for emerging theatre artists co-operation, resilience, career development and internationalization. Theatre In Palm: You vibrate, the universe resonates!  


The UPBEAT Platform is a financial and networking support system for European showcase festivals, dedicated to fostering a forward-thinking, diverse, and sustainable world music industry. With UPBEAT’s help, platform member festivals can invite emerging world music artists, organise professional and networking events and reach their sustainability goals.  


Versopolis is a platform with the vision of creating opportunities for emerging European poets, building bridges between cultures and languages, celebrating poetry and connecting poets and associations around the world.  


Support sustainable innovation in opera and dance

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