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Ivo Váňa Psota © NdB archives i
Do you know him? This is the first balletic Romeo in the World!
Public Nominee, FEDORA Prizes
The very first balletic Romeo in the world was famous Ivo Váňa Psota, a former soloist of the Ballet NdB. He danced the world premiere of ballet version Romeo and Juliet on 30th December 1938 in Mahen Theatre in Brno. But not only danced... He was a director of this performance too. Ivo Váňa Psota is one of the most important person in the Ballet NdB history.
© NdB archives i
© NdB archives i
Jury & Public Nominee, Jury Nominee, Public Nominee, FEDORA Prizes
La Fabrique de la Danse
17 April 2019
PARIS / France
En ce moment, les enfants de l'école élémentaire des Amandiers et leurs parents sont conviés à des ateliers parents-enfants, où petits et grands partagent des moments de danse.
Read morePublic Nominee, FEDORA Prizes
Národní divadlo Brno
09 May 2018
Brno / Czech Republic
The last living lady, who has danced the world premiere of Romeo and Juliet ballet in Brno speaking about her memories of the premiere.
Read morePublic Nominee, FEDORA Prizes
Národní divadlo Brno
01 May 2018
Brno / Czech Republic
We are celebrating the anniversary of the 110th birthday of the legend of Brno and Czech ballet Ivo Váňa Psota - a legendary dancer and choreographer. More about the first Romeo and his successful but short life here:
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