Teatro Real Roadshow

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20 June 2018

Madrid / Spain


Our Platform Member, Teatro Real, and more especially Marisa Vázquez-Shelly, Director of Private Giving of the opera house, presented the FEDORA Platform on June 20th, on the occasion of the "Amigos del Real" recruitment campaign. The presentation was followed by an intervention of the Artistic Director of the Teatro Real, Joan Matabosch, who gave a talk about the opera house in order to attract new audiences. Afterwards, the young donors were able to see the general rehearsal of Lucia di Lammermoor.

Discover the pictures of the presentation below!

Teatro Real Roadshow
Teatro Real Roadshow
Teatro Real Roadshow

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AROP – Association pour le Rayonnement de l'Opéra national de Paris

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Platform Members, Roadshow

Theater Magdeburg

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