Mannheim • Germany

Platform member

Nationaltheater Mannheim

Roadshow 2018 - Nationaltheater Mannheim


Nationaltheater Mannheim

Nationaltheater Mannheim Roadshow

09 December 2017

Mannheim / Germany

On the occasion of the premiere of Beethoven’s Fidelio on Saturday, December 9th 2017, the Nationaltheater Mannheim hosted a reception at the « Oberes Foyer » to present the FEDORA Platform and its activities and to celebrate the support of the European Commission.

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Roadshow 2019 - Nationaltheater Mannheim


Nationaltheater Mannheim

Nationaltheater Mannheim Roadshow 2019

03 May 2019

Mannheim / Germany

"The opera is a beautiful tower - but unfortunately without a staircase."

With this picture, the Mannheim opera dramaturgy describes the problem of an art form that is one of the most complex in our cultural landscape - and therefore usually attracts a theatrically experienced, educated, long-established audience. But how do newcomers get to the tower?

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Phantom der Oper


Nationaltheater Mannheim

Nationaltheater Mannheim Roadshow 2020

29 February 2020

Mannheim / Germany

On the occasion of the premier of "Phantoms of the Opera" on February 29th, 2020 the Nationaltheater Mannheim organized their Roadshow by inviting sponsors, partners and friends to a reception before the performance in the "Obere Foyer".

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Sustainable practices

Experience Opera and Ballet Online, Platform Members, Roadshow

Nationaltheater Mannheim

Nationaltheater Mannheim Visibility Campaign 2022

21 July 2022

Mannheim / Germany

Detlef Grooß, responsible for sustainability and musician in the orchestra at Nationaltheater Mannheim, explains how the house is transforming its processes to be more sustainable.

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Nationaltheater Mannheim - The Whale

Experience Opera and Ballet Online, Platform Members, Roadshow

Nationaltheater Mannheim

Nationaltheater Mannheim Visibility Campaign 2023

01 August 2023

Mannheim / Germany

Nationaltheater Mannheim decided to produce a trailer to present their brand new participatory music theatre, The Whale, premiering on 14, December 2023.

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nationaltheater mannheim festival

Roadshow, Platform Members

Nationaltheater Mannheim

Nationaltheater Mannheim Roadshow 2024

19 June 2024

Mannheim / Germany

The Mannheim Summer, a "European festival for music and theatre from Mozart to the present day".

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