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Prize for Education 2019
Conservatorio Musica Santa Cecilia © i
Opera out of the Opera (OooO) is a project specifically designed to facilitate the “generational” transfer in the Opera field. Opera should be considered an intangible cultural heritage with the older transmitting the art to the younger in a process of audience development. To do so, we need to act with new approach and paradigm, analyzing why opera is now far from young generations.
- lack of knowledge (Opera calls for a knowledge base)
Opera out of Opera is an innovative project that has the general objective of introducing younger generation to Opera world and reach them outside theatres and concert halls. To do so, we plan to accomplish a series of specific actions, strictly related to the barriers listed above: - reduce Opera logistic and economic impact with massive use of digital technol. – develop, using the most recent digital devices, an interactive real time system in order to involve and engage the audience – create a set of activities to further improve a general audience development strategy – experiment an easy replicable Opera live event to outreach audience in places where they would not expect to see an Opera - develop a replicable digital APP to help not expert audience have a basic understanding of Opera scenes and possibly discover more if interested – communicate that Opera is an intangible and eternal Cultural Heritage UNESCO (Infokit 2011), regardless historical set.
Opera out of Opera is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Artistic Team
Opera out of Opera will gather 5 partners from IT, SP, GR, Au and Be, coordinated by Conservatorio Santa Cecilia. Each of them will bring different and complementary expertise and facilities. OooO team will be composed by: one General Project Manager (appointed by Conservatorio Santa Cecilia) and a Local Manager appointed by each partner (5 managers in total). A financial manager will be appointed by the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia together with an external evaluator.
Although globally involved althrough the whole duration of the project, each partner and and local manager will be responsible for different features and activities. Santa Cecilia Roma will lead the overall management, ensuring that activities, events and objectives are achieved within scheduled time and allocated budget. Michelangelo Galeti, the General project Manager will also guarantee a smooth monitoring and reporting processes. AEC local manager will be reponsible for communication and dissemination.
The partner will aim at: - promoting project’ activities at local and transnational level - promoting the itinerant O. events and APP - defining the project communication strategy - creating the visual identity, featuring also project’s website’s page layout, logo, poster layout, template for newsletter.AEC will also be responsible for the final promoting event in Prague. Art on- Petit Opera du Monde (GR) will work on audience development analysis, strategies and approach. Local manager will be responsible for the events targeted to students and young people and for the definition of the APP for the interaction and involvement of the audience. Mozarteum Salzburg AU local team will mainly approach the Co-creation process, coordinating the artistic part as follows - identify the opera/s to be performed - reduce size of the score - reduce and highlight O. scenes - foresee the parts for the audience involvement giving different options to the audience.
Mario Antonio Diaz Varas
Vassilis Anastassiu
Stage Director
Artistic Director
Cutural Management Expert
Support sustainable innovation in opera and dance