Education Prize 2020


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About the beginning, the end and in-between
About the beginning, the end and in-between


A musical-theatrical journey of ideas

This artistic research project is intended to enable children from the socially deprived urban region of Duisburg-Marxloh to experience their own agency in a positive manner that contrasts with the many pressures of their everyday lives. The participants will be encouraged to engage with scientific and philosophical questions regarding the growth and decay of things, plants, animals, human beings, planets etc. In doing so, the project will focus on giving the children the space and inspiration to develop their own ideas, questions and answers and to process these artistically. The participants will have the chance to trace links between their own experiences and events in their own lives and a global perspective.

With the help of professional artists working in a cross art form process, the participants will be able to experience how they can translate their ideas and thoughts into dance/movement, song writing/singing, stage design and theatre/performance and present these to an audience by staging three performances of their music theatre production in the Schwarzer Saal, the theatre space at the RiZ children’s and young people’s centre."

The Junge Oper am Rhein wishes to make it possible for all children and young people to access culture and to participate in artistic processes. Through our wide-ranging provision of operas for children, projects about specific operas and ballets and various workshops, we reach children from the age of four up to young students and are able to give them scope to have experiences on many levels.

The project is funded by “Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung".

Artistic Team

Thuy-Tien Nguyen

Thuy-Tien Nguyen


Alice Nierentz

Alice Nierentz

Set Designer

Katja Fischer

Katja Fischer

Director and Project Manager

Anna-Lena Laurich

Anna-Lena Laurich

Education Specialist and Musician


Gemeinschaftsgrundschule (community elementary school) Sandstraße


RiZ (children’s and youth centre)



Support sustainable innovation in opera and dance

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