Education Prize 2020


03 / 13


Salzburger Festspiele

jung & jede*r


jung&jede*r - The youth programme of the Salzburg Festival - offers young audiences a highly qualitative and diverse programme which consists of three interlinked key strands: „live performances“, „outreach“ and „participation“. The festival’s 100th anniversary and its founders' vision to host an artistic peace project in times of war inspired jung&jede*r to turn the entire federal state of Salzburg into a stage making opera, drama and concert accessible for everybody from 6-18 years regardless of their background and education. Together with international leading teams, artists and local partners that are enthusiastic to open up innovative artistic spaces of social and cultural interaction jung&jede*r empowers the young audience to change people’s next 100 years to the better.

Live performances:

6 productions from opera, drama and concert can be experienced on the jung&jede*r stage integrated into the „Great World Theatre – The Salzburg Festival Centenary State Exhibition” at the Salzburg Museum rounded off by a multi-sensual vivid view on Salzburg Festival’s history.


These 6 mobile productions tour the state of Salzburg to make jung&jede*r accessible “From Abtenau to Zell am See” in classrooms or in 1 of 21 local art centres that became jung&jede*r’s project partners creating their own artistic ouverture for jung&jede*r’s productions. Being recorded and integrated into an art installation at Salzburg Festival the colourful artistic power of Salzburg can be explored in the city.


More than 50 artists, experts and education managers invite pupils and teachers to actively start their own artistic peace projects in the fields of dance, video production, puppetery, composition and interpretation. All participatory projects are related to one of jung&jede*r’s productions and constitute a new formate of sustainable introductory workshops. The participation is free of charge in combination with the attendance of a live performance.

Artistic Team

Rainer O. Brinkmann

Rainer O. Brinkmann

Education Consultant

Martina Elmer

Martina Elmer

Project Manager / Concert Office

Elisabeth Hillinger

Elisabeth Hillinger

Coordinator School Partnerships / Participatory Projects

Agnes Lötsch

Agnes Lötsch

Coordinator Cultural Centres / Touring

Anne-Kathrin Ostrop

Anne-Kathrin Ostrop

Education Consultant


Salzburg Museum



Support sustainable innovation in opera and dance

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