Education Prize 2021


03 / 11

Pocket Opera
Platform member

Royal Swedish Opera

Pocket Opera

Reach out, reach in-Pocket Opera


At Young at the Opera, we come into contact with a large number of children every day through our educational work and artistic productions. Due to our geographical location, our reach is limited primarily to children and young people living in the Stockholm area.

We know that our work makes a difference! Now we are aiming to reach children beyond the opera house’s immediate vicinity with a live artistic experience in their local environment. We know that such an experience lowers thresholds and stimulates curiosity, especially for those who might not have come into contact with us or the art of opera in any other way. Our artistic ambition is fundamentally a democratic mission – everyone has the right to culture.

We produce a tourable opera production of the highest artistic quality. The music is composed for full orchestra, choir and soloists. Scenography and costumes are created with the greatest possible finesse and have been scaled, as with other technology involved, to a simple, manageable size. Regardless of whether it might take place in a park in a socio-economically challenged area in Stockholm or in another location in Sweden altogether, we invite children to the world of the Opera wherever they might be. For work in schools, teaching material is produced and the performances are accompanied by an educator from the Opera who prepares the children and offers tools to enhance the experience.

Artistic Team

Daniel Nelson

Daniel Nelson


Irena Klaus

Irena Kraus



Wallenius Lines



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